Insect Factory – Species specific for BSF, Tenebrio or Crickets
- The all-in-one Insect Factory is a technology package for the production of insect eggs eggs, production and processing of larvae to end-products.
- The design includes all steps from reception and processing of feed residues to diet, breeding, egg production, production rearing and processing.
- For the CAPEX/OPEX calculations all equipment is included and the final dimensioning is done per project, per customer.
••••••  (click here) to see video of the Insect Factory
- 12-15kg eggs/day ~ 3.000 m2
- Available from 5 kg of eggs onwards
- Includes engineering, specialised equipment and installation
- On-site training and start-up
- The engineering and technology package includes all necessary hardware for reproduction: Breeding units, incubation rooms for eggs, equipment for the preparation and dosing of starter feed, preparation and storage of the feed, the supply of neonates to starter crates (nursery), etc.
- The systems are fully integrated with PLC’s, SCADA, data capture, monitoring and analytics.